Ludovica Invernizzi

Ludovica Invernizzi is a PhD student in Historical Studies at the University of Milan, with a thesis focused on the edition of the oldest liber iurium of the city of Como. She is a member of the PRIN 2022 project PNRR Recycled Medieval Diplomatic Fragments (REDDIS) as part of the Milan unit. Her main research topic, Italian medieval notaries and their documentary production (12th-15th centuries), is closely intertwined with material history and visual history: she is interested in the different elements of the documents studied, including the codicological aspect and the iconographic apparatus. She published I Libri sententiarum potestatis Mediolani (1385-1429): una prima analisi codicologica e diplomatistica, in “Studi di storia medievale e di diplomatica”, n.s., VII (2023), pp. 419-441.