Silvia Pizzirani

Silvia Pizzirani is a research fellow in Contemporary History at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Milan. She is currently employed in the PRIN 2022 project Inequality and Generations in Italy (1914-2008). For her doctoral thesis, she carried out a research on the relationship between politics and consumption in Italy in the 1970s, focusing on changes in advertising, corporate communication and journalism. She is a member of the editorial board of “Ricerche di Storia Politica”. Her lines of research concern the history of consumption, political history, environmental history and the history of advertising. Among her publications: Against the dictatorship of rationality. Austerity and consumption in Italy during the seventies, “History of Retailing and Consumption”, Taylor&Francis (2023), pp. 89-106; Oro nero, politica verde? Eni, ambiente ed energia dal secondo dopoguerra, in “Imprese e Storia”, Franco Angeli (2022), pp. 92-123; La consumatrice in rivolta. La politicizzazione del consumo e il ruolo della donna nel pensiero di Teresa Billington-Grey, “Storia e Futuro. Rivista di storia e storiografia online” (2021), pp. 30-43.