Sebastián Molina-Betancur

Sebastián Molina-Betancur is a research fellow on the project Tacitroots. His work focuses on the production and circulation of science in the Spanish American colonies between the 16th and 18th centuries, also studying the visual material related to scientific activities during the colonial period. He is a member of the scientific committee of the journal “Galilaeana. Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Science”. 

His publications include José Celestino Mutis and Newtonianism in New Granada, 1762-1808, Cham, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2023; A mestizo cosmographer in the New Kingdom of Granada: astronomy and chronology in Sánchez de Cozar Guanientá’s Tratado (c. 1696), in “Annals of Science”, 78(3), 295-333; Newtonian medicine and its influence in José Celestino Mutis’s General Plan for Medical Studies, in “Journal for the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences”, 75(3), 245-269.