Irina Mattioli

Irina Mattioli is a research fellow and doctoral student in Medieval History at the University of Milan and the University of St Andrews (UK). Thanks to her background in both history and archaeology, as well as a long-standing experience in professional photography, she has always been interested in visual and material sources. She aim to an interdisciplinary approach in the study of cultural and social history, with a predilection for topics concerning animals and nature. The chronological span of her research in the fields of history, iconology and archaeology ranges from the Lombard society of the sixth century to communal Italy in the thirteenth century. Her publications include: Hippiatrie – Médecine vétérinaire équine, in Dictionnaire historique et critique des animaux, a cura di P. Serna, V. Le Ru, M. Mellah, B. Piazzesi, Ceyzérieu, 2024; L’entretien d’un animal essentiel : rapports entre les traités et la pratique dans l’hippiatrie italienne du 13e siècle, in Travailler les animaux. L’exploitation animale, de l’Antiquité à nos jours, in “Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique”, 153, Paris, 2022, pp. 33-53; Horse Burial in Lombard Italy: Crossing Cultural and Afterlife Boundaries in Social Representation, in “Cheiron”, Vol.  1, 2021, pp. 45-67.