Giulio Argenio

Giulio Argenio holds a PhD in Historical Studies (joint program between the universities of Padua, Venice and Verona) and is currently a research fellow at the University of Milan. His areas of interest are media narratives and Italian and European visual cultures of the early Cold War period, with a focus on juvenile periodicals and political posters. Comics and weeklies were the focus of his doctoral dissertation, while posters played a central role in his contribution to the project Politiche di carta. I primi decenni di propaganda del Partito Comunista Italiano nei manifesti della collezione Salce. His research was also supported by Istituto italiano di studi storici in Naples. He co-coordinated the panel Tutto fumetto e poco arrosto? Historiographical trajectories among albi, giornalini and drawn literature in contemporary Italy for the conference Cantieri di storia 2023, organised by SISSCO (Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea). 

His publications on visual languages include: 

  • “On ne plaisante pas avec l’atome” Imaginaires nucléaires et représentations visuelles dans la presse enfantine italienne de la première phase de la Guerre froide, in “Revue d’histoire culturelle,” 6 (2023) DOI: 
  • Cold-War Science and its Illustrated Wonders. Politics, Play and Visual Education for the Italian Youth in the Leftwing Weekly Pioneer, in Christian A. Bachmann and Nora Ramtke (Eds.), A Mixed Picture Media Transfer and Media Competition in Illustrated Periodicals, 1840s-1960s, Hannover, Wehrhahn Verlag, 2024, pp. 111-132. 
  • “Nella scienza non ci debbono essere invidie”. Politica, pedagogia e cultura visuale nei periodici italiani per l’infanzia degli anni Cinquanta, FORTHCOMING, in “Italia contemporanea”, 2024.