Folco Vaglienti

Folco Vaglienti is Senior Researcher of Medieval History in the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Milan. He is currently a member of two research and investigation teams: Faith. Fighting Against Injustice Through Humanities, coordinated by Cristina Cattaneo (PI), and Nomina. Forenames in Late Medieval Italy: a new approach to social and political history,coordinated by Andrea Gamberini (PI). He has taught Medieval History for Cultural Heritage Studiessince 2006 and Foreign Languages and Literaturessince 2019. His main research interests focus on political and social relationships in late Medieval and Renaissance courts, where he employs a comparative approach that combines traditional historical sources with the evidence obtained from arts, archaeological and medical studies. His most recent work concerns the historical and cultural heritage of the ancient Ospedale Maggiore (home of the University of Milan since 1958). His recent and ongoing projects include the analysis and revision of the Mortuorum Libri of Milan, one of the first European Necroscopic Registries (1452-1695).

His publications include Latet anguis in herba : la biscia viscontea e le trasformazioni di una balena in serpe e di uno stemma in brand di successo, in Le voci degli altri. Linguaggi, parole e alfabeti inconsueti nella Lombardia antica, [a cura di] C. Miedico, Varese  2018, pp. 89-101; La Ca’ Granda dei Milanesi. Itinerario interdisciplinare nel fulcro di una metropoli multiculturale, a cura di F. Vaglienti, Nexo, Milano 2014; Squarci nel Medioevo. Tradizione e sperimentazioni, Mimesi, Milano 2012.