Fabio Guidali

Fabio Guidali

Fabio Guidali is Associate Professor in the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Milan. He works on the history of intellectuals and culture in 20th century Europe, with a focus on associations, networks and forms of political engagement. He is also interested in the history of journalism and the popular press. He is the author of two intellectual biographies (Il secolo lungo di Gabriele Mucchi. Una biografia intellettuale e politica, 2012, and Un intellettuale europeo. Umberto Campagnolo tra antifascismo e guerra fredda, 2023) and a monograph on the political engagement of intellectuals (Scrivere con il mondo in testa. Intellettuali europei tra cultura e potere, 2016). He is also co-author of the book L’AIDS in Italia. Istituzioni, società, media (2022), local scientific coordinator of a national project on discrimination in postwar Italian newspapers (Language and History of Discrimination in Contemporary Italian Newspapers, PRIN 2022) and a member of the advisory board of the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit).

His publications in the field of visual history include: 

  • Pittori e no. La politica culturale comunista e il dibattito sul realismo tra Milano e Roma (1948-1956), in “Studi storici”, a. 59, n°3, 2018, pp. 745-777
  • Music is a Battlefield. The Spreading of Left Alternative Culture Through Music Magazines, in The Last Avant-Garde. Alternative and Anti-Establishment Reviews (1970-1979), a cura di Andrea Chiurato, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2019, pp. 111-129
  • I media e la rappresentazione dell’AIDS negli anni Ottanta, in Fiammetta Balestracci, Fabio Guidali ed Enrico Landoni, L’AIDS in Italia (1982-1996). Istituzioni, società, media, Pacini, Ospedaletto-Pisa 2022, pp. 85-155.